Sheep Creek: Rich in thousands of yards of valuable gravel, lakefront property and gold bearing land. (Photos Below)
Chatanika River: Thousands of acres of riverfront property available. (Photos Below)
Dome Creek: Just north of where Felix Pedro discovered gold in Fairbanks. Composed of tailings left behind from the gold dredges that roamed Fairbanks' Goldstream valley. Still extremely rich in gold bearing ground. (Photos Below)
Goldstream Creek: This property is extremely rich in gravel, gold bearing land, lakefront property, drift mines, virgin ground as well as gold dredge tailing piles. A system of gravel roads makes land very accessible. (Photos Below)
Chatanika: 30 minutes north of Fairbanks. Offers thousands of acres of gold dredge tailings, virgin ground, thaw points, hunting ground, lakefront, gold bearing ground, cabin and riverfront on the Chatanika River. (Photos Below)